Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Samsung is preparing to move to 10-nm process

The South Korean company Samsung is going first among the leading manufacturers of semiconductor products to begin production of chipsets for the 10-nm process, leaving behind its main competitors: TSMC and Intel. Samsung has announced the development of a chip set, made on 10-nm process technology, and has 128 MB of cache memory S-RAM. Compared to the 14-nm process technology to reduce the new dimensions of the chip by 40% while maintaining the same productivity and substantially reducing power consumption.
Intel has postponed the transition to 10-nm process until 2017, so Samsung has all chances to become a leader in this field. Production of chips at 10-nm process to be launched next year, and the first commercial devices based on them may appear in early 2017. The first owner of the 10-nm chipset may be a smartphone Galaxy S8. Next is the flagship of the South Korean company's Galaxy S7 will receive a processor based on an improved 14-nm process technology, which is characterized by a reduced energy consumption and improved performance.

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